World Robot Olympiad 2024

What is WRO?

Held since 2004, the World Robotics Olympiad (WRO) is a competition where young people from all over the world between 8 and 19 years old, use Lego Mindstorms to overcome challenges in 4 different categories.

8 19

Age range


Participating countries


Inaugural year



Documentaries from previous Olympics

Results of the National Robotics Olympiad, Puerto Rico 2024

News of our success

WRO 2024 Theme

The WRO® theme for 2024 is Allies of the Earth.

In 2024, teams will learn more about how humans affect nature and how nature and natural events can affect us. They will investigate how robots can help us live in harmony with nature. Can robots help us live in places where nature is dangerous or harsh, and can they assist us in leading a more environmentally friendly lifestyle?

Know the categories of the Olympiad (WRO)

robbery mission
Robo Sport
Future Innovators
Future Engineers

robbery mission

WRO® RoboMission is a competition based on challenges. Students must design, build, and program an autonomous robot that can solve specific challenges in a field. All robot parts, including controller, motors and sensors, must be from LEGO® (MINDSTORMS® NXT or EV3, SPIKE PRIME or Robot Inventor).

See the requirements

Age: Elementary: 8-12 | Junior: 11-15 | Senior: 14-19
Team size: 2-3 people guided by a coach
Hardware: Based on LEGO
Software: Free choice
Maximum size: Max. 25x25x25cm
Features: Build and program a robot that solves challenges in a field.

Robo Sport

With the WRO® RoboSports category we introduce a fun and exciting game in which two teams each have two autonomous robots on the field playing a sports game. The robot must be built with LEGO® materials, including the controller, motors and sensors (MINDSTORMS® NXT or EV3, SPIKE PRIME or Robot Inventor). The game changes every 3 or 4 years and the current one is Double Tennis.

See the requirements

Age: 11 19
Team size: 2-3 people guided by a coach
Hardware: Based on LEGO
Software: Free choice
Maximum size: Max. 20x20x20cm
Features: The teams design 2 robots that compete with the robots of another team.

Future Innovators

Our Innovative Futures category is a project-based competition. Students create their own innovative smart robotics solution related to the current theme of the season. There are no restrictions on the use of materials. This includes the free choice of controllers, motors, sensors, etc.

See the requirements

Age: Elementary: 8-12 | Junior: 11-15 | Senior: 14-19
Team size: 2-3 people guided by a coach
Hardware: Free choice *
Software: Free choice
Maximum size: Max. 2x2x2cm
Features: Develop a robot project that helps solve real-world problems.

Future Engineers

With WRO® Future Engineers we have created an exciting category for older students. With this new format, we want to bring today's research challenge to schools and teach students an engineering workflow by solving real-world problems. Teams can use any robot, controller and materials that conform to the rules.

See the requirements

Age: 14 19
Team size: 2-3 people guided by a coach
Hardware: Free choice
Software: Free choice
Maximum size: Max. 30x30x30cm
Features: Advanced robotics following current research trends.

Documentation by category

robbery mission

Robo Sport

English Version

Spanish Version

Game Field

Future Innovators

English Version

Spanish Version

Future Engineers

English Version

Spanish Version

Play Field


Thanks to our sponsors, WRO participants received the following benefits:

Robots, seasonal tracks, game elements, computers and licenses.

Training facilities were expanded to more comfortable ones.

Training by a team of trained resources with the required experience.

Coordinators well prepared and committed to exceeding expectations before and during the trip to the World Cup in Germany.

Sponsors of WRO Puerto Rico 2023

We extend our gratitude to the office of Youth Development of the DDEC for supporting us with the following benefits:

  • Training workshops
  • Robotics kits
  • robotics tracks
  • Game elements
  • Exhibition events and competitions


You can also support directly through our donation methods.

See more information about donations.


A look at everything we experienced at the WRO Germany 2022.

Our Alliances

Institutions that believe in our promise.

Online courses

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